
Sunshine Week Activities.

Listing of activities/events HERE.


U.S. Senate Data: Real Estate Lobbyists Spent $65M+ in 2007.

From U.S. Senate lobbyist disclosure database at opensecrets.org

Results for real estate industry are HERE. Realtors,
private mortgage insurance companies, Fannie, and Freddie top the list.


Air Force Tanker Procurement: CRS Report Has Facts.

Congressional members from Washington state are making a lot of noise about the recently announced decision to award a larger tanker contract to Northrup Grumman instead of Boeing. (It's only a matter of time IMO that Oregon lawmakers will be asked to weigh in on Boeing's behalf).

For those interested more in the facts than the politics, the Congressional Research Survey issued a report HERE at the end of February 2008 that does a good job of explaining what the procurement was intended to accomplish and the evaluation factors that were used in the procurement process. This report was issued before the procurement decision was announced.